A Household Guide to Firearm Storage and Suicide Risk

Firearms are used in more than half of all suicide attempts in the U.S. However, proper firearm storage can mitigate easy access and minimize the risks of keeping them in your home. Safe storage protocols are your powerful and accessible tool for preventing tragedy. You can protect your loved ones with small changes and a better understanding of the risks. 

Understanding the Risks of Firearms and Suicide

Part of being a responsible gun owner is understanding the risks involved. Safe firearm storage includes keeping it out of the reach of children and out of the hands of someone who struggles with suicide ideation. Here are some things to know:

The Role of Mental Health Crises

Most mental health crises are fleeting, lasting a few hours or days. For many, suicidal thoughts are temporary, and they don't take action because they don't have the means. However, proper firearm storage can become a lifesaving barrier for a person struggling with a mental health crisis. 

Key Statistics to Know

Proper firearm storage importance - A father consoling his teenage son who is showing signs of mental health issues.

Recognizing Warning Signs and Risk Factors

Knowing when someone in your home is at risk for suicide is important along with safe storage in preventing firearm suicide. You also need to be able to recognize the signs and risk factors:

Common Warning Signs of Suicide

When suicide risks increase, you may see some of these signs:

  • Mood or behavioral changes

  • Withdrawal from friends and family

  • Talking about feeling hopeless

  • Expressing a desire to die

  • Risky behaviors

  • Increased substance use

  • Sudden mood improvements after a period of depression

Specific Risks With Firearms

When someone at risk has access to a firearm, it increases their chances of dying by suicide. They can also act impulsively without taking the time to think it through. You need to act quickly to limit access to firearms when a mental crisis begins. 

Encouraging Conversations

Conversation with compassion and without judgment is one of the best ways to minimize the risks of suicidal actions. You can start by asking: 'I've noticed you've been feeling down. How can I support you?' If you suspect someone is suicidal, it's crucial to ask them directly if they are thinking of suicide. If they say 'yes,' find out whether they have a plan.

The Importance of Safe Firearm Storage

Firearms are tools, and they can be used to kill or seriously harm a person. You should never forget this and limit access to the guns in your home. Some things to know include:

How Safe Firearm Storage Saves Lives

When someone is struggling with thoughts of suicide, it's important to prevent easy access to firearms. Limiting or temporarily removing access to lethal means can make a difference and save lives. 

Simple and Safe Firearm Storage Practices

A gun safe, lockbox, or trigger lock is one simple solution for firearm storage. You should plan to keep the key in a safe place and limit who has access to it. Firearms should always be unloaded, with the ammunition stored in a different place.

Firearm Safety at Home

As soon as you notice a family member struggling with their mental health, you might consider removing the firearms from the home temporarily. You can store them with trusted family, friends, or firearm storage facilities.

To learn more about Colorado laws regarding temporary transfers, see CRS 18-12-112 or consult an attorney. Additionally, have an open conversation with the entire family about firearm safety and the storage procedures you've implemented. 

Proper firearm storage - A man locking his firearms in a safe.

Practical Steps to Prevent Tragedy

You can also take steps to prevent a tragedy from occurring in your home. Check out these practical steps:

Have an Honest Discussion

You can start with an honest discussion about the risks of having a firearm in the home and the importance of safe storage. However, you need to keep this discussion calm and without judgment. 

Create a Safe Firearm Storage Plan

Choose the tools and strategies that will work best for your home and family. Once the system is set up, you can demonstrate it to everyone in the family.

Share Resources With Loved Ones

You can also share resources with your loved ones who live with you and those who don't. This can include mental health resources and safe practices for storing firearms. 

Know Where to Seek Help

You don't want to wait until you're in the midst of a mental health crisis to know where to turn for help. You should keep the national and local crisis support on your phone, including Your Hope Center and the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline available by phone or text at 988.

Building a Culture of Safety and Prevention

A culture of safety and prevention also ensures that you can handle a mental health crisis. Here are some things to consider:

Promoting Open Dialogue

It's essential that everyone in your home feels at ease talking about mental health struggles, as well as gun safety and storage. You also want to normalize these conversations and ensure everyone understands that asking about firearm storage is a way of showing care.

Encouraging Proactive Measures

You can help create a culture beyond your home by promoting community-wide education on safe storage practices and mental health resources.

Discussing proper firearm storage - A father and son having a private talk outdoors.

Supporting Someone Who May Be at Risk

Someone at risk for suicidal thoughts can benefit from a support system. Some support includes:

Helping a Loved One

You can help when a loved one struggles with mental health or needs assistance in setting up safe gun storage. Follow these steps:

  1. Be present

  2. Listen

  3. Express your care without judgment

  4. Offer to assist in creating a safe storage plan

  5. Assist in finding mental health resources

What to Avoid

Talking to someone struggling during a mental health crisis is delicate work. You need to avoid making dismissive or shaming comments about their feelings. While some warning signs of suicidal ideation can be subtle, you never want to ignore them. 

Make Changes to Properly Store Firearms

Safe firearm storage is a simple yet powerful step in mitigating suicide risks in your home. The tips and information in this article can help create a community dedicated to firearm safety and storage. As you develop proactive safety measures, open communication, and support, you can experience the life-saving difference it makes for yourself. 

This project was supported by Grant No. 15PBJA-23-GG-00005-BSCI awarded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, issued by the Colorado Division of Criminal Justice. The Bureau of Justice Assistance is a component of the Department of Justice's Office of Justice Programs, which also includes the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the National Institute of Justice, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the Office for Victims of Crime, and the SMART Office. Points of view or opinions in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice or the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.