Trainings that Save Lives
Together we can help those who are struggling and lead them toward hope, even in the darkest of times. We offer many virtual and in-person training opportunities throughout the year. Whether you’d like to receive a training session or request training for your organization, we have options. Registration is required for all events and training.
Upcoming Trainings
Suicide Prevention Trainings Offered
Have you ever asked a loved one if they’re okay and heard “Yes, I’m fine,” that perfect, practiced response? Do you believe them? Do you know how to help? Our many trainings will teach you how to identify when someone is in crisis and what you can do to help.
Introductory & Level 1 Trainings
Awareness Presentations
Awareness Presentations are for anyone in Eagle County who wants to learn more about how suicide impacts our Valley and what we can do about it.
Participants will learn about statistics, resources, and how to get involved in prevention and postvention efforts in as little as 15 minutes (up to 90 minutes). Presentations are offered in both English and Español.
Email kirby.lemon@speakupreachout.org to learn more and to register.
LivingWorks Start
Livingworks Start is for anyone 13 and older, who would like to learn the life saving skills to identify signals and prevent suicide.
Participants will learn life-saving suicide prevention skills in as little as one hour online. Learn how to recognize when someone is thinking about suicide, connect them with help and support, and implement a four-step model to keep someone safe.
Complete the form linked below to get started.
QPR Training: Question, Persuade, Refer
QPR training teaches people how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade, and refer someone to help. By having the proper tools to help someone in crisis, you could save a life. Trainings are offered in both English and Español.
Participants will learn how to recognize and respond positively to suicide warning signs and behaviors.
Complete the form linked below to get started.
Vital Cog: Team Training
Vital Cog is for workplace administrators and employees. Special modules are available for construction crews, first responders, and coaches. Trainings last 1-2 hours and are offered in English (Spanish coming soon).
Participants will learn to proactively address the early warning signs of suicide in the workplace. This training promotes critical thinking about suicide prevention, opens dialogues about mental health and will promote help-seeking and help-giving behaviors.
Complete the form linked below to get started.
Talk Saves Lives
Intended Audience: Anyone (available in English and Spanish)
Talk Saves Lives by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, is a 45-60 minute education program that provides participants with a clear understanding of this leading cause of death, including the most up-to-date research on suicide prevention, and what they can do in their communities to save lives.
• The latest data on suicide in the U.S. and worldwide.
• Information from research on what causes people to consider suicide, as well as health, historical, and environmental factors that put individuals at risk.
• An understanding of the protective factors that lower suicide risk, and strategies for managing mental health and being proactive about self-care.
• Guidance on warning signs and behaviors to look for, and how to get help for someone in a suicidal crisis.
Training for Trusted Adults
Training for Trusted Adults is designed for parents and caregivers who play a vital role in youth suicide prevention.
In this essential 1.5-hour session, participants will learn how to identify early warning signs of distress and effectively use the ACT (Acknowledge, Care, Tell) method.
You'll discover how to recognize emotional distress, offer empathetic support, and encourage open communication, ensuring young people feel heard and supported.
By joining this training, you will not only enhance your ability to guide and protect your child but also strengthen the community's efforts to create a nurturing environment where our youth can thrive.
Complete the form linked below to get started.
Level 2 Trainings
Adult Mental Health First Aid
Adult Mental Health First Aid is for anyone 18 years and older who wants to learn how to help a person who may be experiencing a mental health related crisis or problem. Trainings are offered in both English and Español.
Participants will learn to recognize signs of mental health or substance use challenges in adults ages 18 and older, how to offer and provide initial help, and how to guide a person toward appropriate care if necessary. Topics covered include anxiety, depression, psychosis, addictions, and expanded content on trauma and self-care. Learn more.
Complete the form linked below to get started.
Soul Shop™
Soul Shop™ is an interactive workshop that equips faith community leaders and other people of faith to train their congregations to minister to those impacted by suicidal desperation.
At Soul Shop™, we believe all congregations are well situated to be significant sources of hope and healing for those impacted by suicide. The program trains leaders on the following:
• Suicide risk and the warning signs
• How to ask a person at risk if they might be thinking about suicide
• How to be a companion to those experiencing suicide loss
• What the Bible has to say about suicide and how to integrate suicide prevention into the life and ministry of the church
Complete the form linked below to get started.
Youth Mental Health First Aid
Youth Mental Health First Aid is for parents, caregivers, teachers, health and human services workers, and other caring citizens that support youth 12-18. Trainings are offered in both English and Español.
Participants will learn about common signs and symptoms of mental health challenges among adolescents, including anxiety, depression, eating disorders, substance use disorder and attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD). Learn how to interact with a child or adolescent in crisis and connect them with help. Participants will also receive expanded content on trauma, substance use, self-care and the impact of social media and bullying. Learn more.
Complete the form linked below to get started.
Level 3 Trainings
ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) is for caregivers, counselors, and school psychologists. This proven program is trusted by professionals yet available to everyone.
Participants will attend a two-day workshop where they will learn how to prevent suicide by recognizing signs, provide a skilled intervention, and develop a safety plan to keep someone alive.
Attendees will also increase willingness, confidence and preparedness to apply the Pathway for Assisting Life model and learn to provide suicide first aid.
Complete the form linked below to get started.
Behavioral Health Continuing Education
Behavioral Health Continuing Education is offered to service providers and patient caregivers in Eagle County.
Led by SpeakUp ReachOut and Eagle Valley Behavioral Health, participants will receive ongoing continuing education opportunities year round to improve the delivery of mental health and suicide care as part of the community’s Zero Suicide initiative.
Email kirby.lemon@speakupreachout.org to learn more.
Youth Trainings
LEADS: For Youth Suicide Prevention
This program is intended for students in grades 9-12.
LEADS creates opportunities for conversations within the classroom around suicide, depression, and the stigma surrounding suicide. The curriculum focuses on signs and symptoms of depression, identification of warning signs of suicide and barriers and benefits to seeking help. Upon completion students will gain the following:
• Knowledge of depression, depression symptoms, and facts about suicide.
• Ability to recognize risk factors and protective factors for suicide and suicide warning signs.
• Ability to identify school and community resources.
• Increased knowledge and skills about how to break down barriers and seek help for self or a friend.
Complete the form linked below to get started.
QPR for Youth: Gatekeeper Training
QPR Gatekeeper Training is a suicide prevention training for youth and young adults.
This program teaches people how to recognize suicide warning signs, ask about suicide, and persuade people to accept professional help. As a universal intervention for troubled youth and others it provides students the simple steps to reach out to struggling peers and refer them to trusted adults.
Complete the form linked below to get started.
Signs Of suicide
Signs of Suicide® Prevention program is designed for middle and high school-age students.
This nationally recognized program teaches students how to identify the symptoms of depression in themselves or their friends, and encourages help-seeking through the use of the ACT® technique (Acknowledge, Care, Tell).
Participants will learn how to recognize the warning signs of suicide, how to offer hope to others, and how to get help to save a life.
Complete the form linked below to get started.
It’s Real: Teens and Mental Health
Intended audience: Middle and High School Students
A 45-minute program from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention that provides young people with mental health education and resources. The program raises awareness about mental health issues, how to start a conversation about mental health, the importance of self-care, and how to reach out for help.
• What mental health is and how it's both similar to and different from, physical health.
• How to notice signs of someone needing help.
• Tips and strategies for having a caring conversation with someone they might be worried about.
• Methods of self-care for mind, body, soul, and surroundings.
• Examples of trustworthy resources.
• How reaching out to trusted adults can help teens manage their mental health.
Your donation to SpeakUp ReachOut is tax deductible and will support suicide prevention initiatives in Eagle County.