Upcoming Events
The more we understand suicide, the better we can support our friends, neighbors, co-workers, family members, and even ourselves. Learn the facts about suicide and know where to turn when you hear (or see) a cry for help.
Educational Events
When Fear Divides Us, Community Brings Us Back—Let’s Talk About It.
How do we stay informed without being overwhelmed? How do we keep ourselves safe—mentally, emotionally, and physically—while navigating times of uncertainty? What is our role in shaping what comes next?
Learn best practices to reduce mental health emergencies and improve worker wellbeing.
This highly interactive workshop helps workplace leaders gain insights on how to develop a comprehensive and sustainable strategy for mental wellbeing and suicide prevention.
Community Gatherings
Remember. Reflect. Revitalize HOPE.
Join us to REMEMBER those we have lost to suicide, REFLECT on our own journey and REVITALIZE HOPE in our community.
Storytelling Saves Lives
Since 2014, This Is My Brave - The Show has been bringing stories of mental illness and addiction out of the shadows and into the spotlight all over the US and around the world. It features individuals from the local community who have auditioned to share their stories…
Training Sessions
Ministering to Suicidal Desperation
Soul Shop For Congregations is a training for anyone who might want to learn how to ask the question of suicide, learn about the prevalence of suicide in the community…
Your Suicide Prevention Workshop
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) is a two-day interactive workshop in suicide first aid. ASIST teaches participants to recognize…
Psychological First Aid (PFA) equips organizations with essential skills to support individuals during crises. Sarah W. Gaer offers tailored PFA training, fostering safety, calm, self-efficacy, connection, and hope to help teams confidently navigate traumatic events.
SURO Eventos
Cuando El Miedo Nos Divide, La Comunidad Nos Une: Hablemos De Ello.
¿Cómo nos mantenemos informados sin sentirnos abrumados? ¿Cómo nos mantenemos a salvo: mental, emocional y físicamente, en tiempos de incertidumbre? ¿Cuál es nuestro papel a la hora de dar forma a lo que viene?