Lethal Means Support


Firearm Safety

Between 2013 and 2023, 116 people died by suicide in Eagle County.  Of those, 54.3% (63) were firearm suicides.  As a community we must come together to address how we reduce access to firearms at a time of mental health crisis. 

We at SpeakUp ReachOut firmly believe that this is NOT a Second Amendment conversation, but instead, one of safety and due diligence. 

Temporarily removing lethal means from someone in a suicidal crisis greatly reduces the likelihood of that person dying by suicide, because it gives at-risk individuals something they crucially need: time.

According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, research shows that most people in a suicidal crisis who don't have easy access to a lethal suicide method will not simply find another way to kill themselves. Removing access to firearms and other lethal means allows time for both the moment of intense suicidal crisis to pass and for someone to intervene with potentially lifesaving mental health support and resources.

SpeakUp ReachOut is committed to implementing safe storage initiatives for firearms, as it will be associated with increased safe storage rates, and fewer firearm injuries and fatalities.

To do this, SpeakUp ReachOut is working with local firearm retailers, ranges, instructors, and law enforcement agencies through the Colorado Gun Shop Project (Spanish) to educate firearm owners about proper safe storage and the new 11th Commandment of Firearm Safety:


Lethal Means Blog Articles


Counseling Resources


A powerful addition to existing strategies to reduce the risk of suicide death in at-risk people while respecting their rights and autonomy. SpeakUp ReachOut has two trainers that can deliver this program. Learn more.


Lethal Means Counseling Training w/ Dr. Emmy Betz

This session is intended for mental health and emergency care clinicians who interact with patients with active suicide risk.


Household Resources


Safe Guard Your Home

A Guide to Suicide Prevention at Home PDF

Proteja su hogar

Una guía para la prevención del suicidio en el hogar


National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

Dispose of your expired or unused prescription drugs at Drug Take Back Days in April and Oct.


Update: Eagle County Bridge Barrier

SpeakUp ReachOut is working with state and local agencies to install a barrier on an Eagle County bridge to deter suicide attempts. An emergency call box was added in February 2024 to provide crisis support in an area with limited cell service. Restricting access to lethal means is a key suicide prevention strategy. Learn more.