Faith, Spirituality, and Suicide Prevention

People who regularly attend religious services or practice spirituality can draw strength from these activities, which can serve as powerful protective factors against suicide. Faith and spirituality can provide them with a sense of comfort, connection, and purpose.

However, sometimes, people can experience harm or danger within a religious community. The goal is to create a safe, supportive environment where faith and spirituality can grow from positive experiences. By being careful and using a balanced approach, you’ll find that these can affirm life while being inclusive and supportive.

The Protective Power of Faith and Spirituality

Faith and spirituality can support mental health in many ways, such as:

  • Providing a sense of purpose and meaning

  • Building a sense of hope and resilience during difficult times that you can depend on

  • Offering connection and a strong support system through faith communities

Spirituality is something beyond religion. It's a broad concept defined by an individual's belief in something greater than themselves. It can include personal reflection, mindfulness, or connection to nature rather than traditional religious beliefs. Seven out of 10 Americans believe themselves to be spiritual. Spirituality can help you find a path to meaning and purpose, making it an important positive factor.

Faith often serves as a coping mechanism for life's challenges, particularly when dealing with mental health issues. Prayer, meditation, and other spiritual practices help manage distress, offering comfort and solace during difficult times. Many studies also highlight how faith and spirituality can promote long-term well-being.

Faith and spirituality - A group of diverse individuals holding each other's hands while praying.

Recognizing When Faith Communities May Contribute to Risk

Religion can sometimes be a source of stress for you or a loved one. Many religions have a stigma concerning mental health and even discourage church members from seeking help when needed. Sometimes, the doctrines or teachings can lead to feelings of shame, isolation, or hopelessness for marginalized individuals. This can include LGBTQ+ individuals, those questioning their faith, or people facing moral injury.

You can encourage open, compassionate conversations within faith communities about mental health and suicide prevention. If you find others who agree, you can use this acceptance to recruit others. You want to connect with faith leaders and religious communities that support inclusive and affirming approaches. You can visit multiple religious services and places of worship within your faith to find one that aligns with your beliefs and needs. No one should ever feel isolated or without support because of their faith or identity. 

4 Ways to Strengthen the Protective Role of Faith and Spirituality

You can strengthen the protective role of faith and spirituality within your home, family, or friend groups to provide support for anyone struggling with suicidal thoughts. Here's a look at four ways to do this:

1. Encourage Open Conversations About Mental Health in Faith Spaces

You can encourage others in your faith space to participate in open conversations about mental health. You might discover that others are willing to engage in conversations that combine faith with mental health awareness. Within your religious community, you can advocate that they make mental health resources available to all members. 

2. Build Support Networks Within and Beyond Faith Communities

Your faith and religious community can help you connect with spiritual mentors, counselors, and trusted peers for guidance. You can build relationships that provide you the support you need when you or a loved one is struggling with thoughts of suicide or other mental health challenges. You can also connect with faith-based and secular mental health resources. Once you find the resources you find most beneficial, you can rely on them. 

3. Embrace Individual Spiritual Practices for Well-Being

Mindfulness, prayer, gratitude, and reflective practices tailored to your beliefs can help your overall well-being. Whether it's a gratitude journal or mindfulness practice, embrace what brings comfort and strengthens your well-being. You can find meaning and purpose through your spirituality. 

4. Know When and Where to Seek Professional Help

There may come a time when faith and spirituality aren't enough. However, professional mental health care and faith and spirituality can work together. Consider seeking a professional who aligns with your faith or spiritual preferences for well-rounded support. Faith leaders and community members may be able to recommend a mental health professional who understands and respects faith-based perspectives. It can also be helpful to discuss your faith with a professional to determine if your views align. If they don't, you can ask for a recommendation from them to another professional with similar views. 

Recognizing faith and spirituality - A group of women discussing faith and mental health during their prayer meeting.

Fostering Inclusive and Supportive Faith Communities

It's important to foster inclusive and supportive faith communities that benefit everyone. There are a few ways you can do that, such as:

  • Encouraging Acceptance and Understanding: The faith leader should create a sense of safety and welcome for everyone who enters their religious space. Religious communities can support people struggling with mental health challenges through open conversations and providing resources for members in need. 

  • Combining Faith With Evidence-Based Support: A balanced approach encourages spiritual support and professional mental health care to offer comprehensive support. 

  • Creating a Message of Hope and Compassion: No one is beyond hope, and everyone deserves compassion. Seeking support is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Faith communities can better serve their members when they commit to being inclusive and supportive. 

Supporting Someone Who May Be Struggling

If you know someone who is struggling emotionally or with suicidal thoughts, you want to support them, and you want to do it the right way. Consider these tips:

How to Offer Support With Compassion

When offering support, approach the conversation with love, patience, and a willingness to listen without judgment. Remind yourself to avoid judgment and choose your words carefully throughout the conversation. Validate the other person's feelings instead of only offering a spiritual solution.

For example, instead of saying, "Just pray about it," you might say, "You're right. That could be upsetting." In this way, you aren't dismissing their feelings or downplaying them. 

Encouraging Faith-Based and Professional Help Together

Spiritual and clinical approaches to healing can offer you or a loved one the needed support, care, and compassion. The two complement each other and can provide a foundation for mental health and well-being. Resources for faith-friendly mental health professionals include the Interfaith Network on Mental Illness and the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

What Not to Say or Do

Avoid using faith and spirituality to dismiss or downplay struggles. Listen with compassion and without judgment. Validating the other person's feelings is much more effective and less dismissive. Offering advice or reasons to live, such as "everything happens for a reason," have not been found to help because they feel like canned and dismissive remarks. 

Faith and spirituality practices - A woman standing outside with her hands over her heart.

Faith and Spirituality Can Play a Role in Suicide Prevention

When you or a loved one faces mental health challenges or thoughts of suicide, faith and spirituality can offer the safety and support needed. They can be powerful sources of hope, healing, and connection you can turn to in times of need.

An open-minded, inclusive approach to supporting mental health within religious and spiritual spaces can make a difference for you and your loved ones. Resilience and well-being can be found regardless of your personal beliefs as long as they provide healthy meaning, connection, and support.

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